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Social & Food Security

Ajialouna’s Social Affairs Department was established in 1995 and includes 3 main programs that provide financial and educational assistance, in-kind support and food security for orphans, widows, underprivileged families and individuals.

Monthly Social Beneficiaries_2024
1 +
Sponsored Orphans_2024
Widows Receiving Financial Assistance_2024
Food Vouchers & Care Packages_2024

Orphan Sponsorship Program

Ajialouna acts as a bridge between sponsors (donors) and the beneficiary. The sponsorship covers annual educational fees, supplies, healthcare, and social benefits for an orphan.

Sponsorship ranges between $450 – $1,500 per year based on age, health and educational needs.

Assistance to Widows

This social program is dedicated to assist women who support their families and are the head of their households. The social department annually helps more than 325 widows and their families under this program.

The assistance program to widows is the only program that Ajialouna has whereby direct cash assistance is handed out to its beneficiaries. This program is primarily financed by Zakat donations and other fundraising activities throughout the year.

Supporting Underprivileged Families

Under our social department activities, Ajialouna provides for vetted, low income families to be assisted in one or more of the below areas:

Efforts are made to support those in need by granting beneficiary status, to applicants, provide support and aid under specific circumstances, or provide support on a seasonable basis ( i.e. 4x a year, etc…)

Beneficiary applications are received and evaluated based on a number of factors including income, medical situation, financial obligations and reliance on other NGOs, etc…

Applications can be submitted to Ajialouna’s social department by:

Social Department Beneficiary Application Process:


Ajialouna has the highest percentage of Zakat donations received during the month of Ramadan. These donations primarily target women, children and the elderly to set a leading example of Zakat distribution.

As part of its social initiative during Ramadan, Ajialouna often collaborates with different private sector companies making charitable donations to distribute clothing and food care packages and daily iftars accommodating 100 families at a time. Ajialouna also hosts and caters iftar dinners for its beneficiaries and orphans that are sponsored under the social department with fun-filled activities and gifts.

Hot Meal Prepared and Distributed
Kilo grams of Meat Distributed

Eid Al Adha

During Eid Al Adha 2024, Ajialouna supported beneficiaries by:

· Holding a Lunch in Tripoli for 50 Orphans, which was supported by American Aid

· Ajialouna, as well, distributed to 1,655 beneficiaries the following:

Diaper Bags
Milk cartons
Boxes of Cheese
Boxes of Dates
Meat Vouchers
Food Parcels

Social Department Campaigns

In late 2019, Ajialouna volunteers performed house visits to homes of families whose shelter conditions were deemed unsuitable and lacking in basic needs. Scouting for potential candidates for the household needs & home renovation initiative served as a front-row seat to the shockingly poor conditions families have endured. Our volunteers and contractors selected households and performed improvements to shelter conditions (e.g. drainage, plumbing, roof) and secured necessities for extremely low-income families including essential household appliances (eg. heaters, fridges,etc…)

Enlisting the help of local contractors, Ajialouna helped renovate and furnish homes that were in dire need of maintenance and renovation works. Households were visited by our volunteers & supported in Beirut & Tripoli between late 2019 through February 2020

Cash For Rent Assistance Program

In 2020, Ajialouna commenced its Cash for Rent Assistance program to cover rent for families no longer able to meet their shelter needs as a result of the deteriorating economic and financial situation in Lebanon.

This program covers anywhere between 3 to 12 months of rent for households to ensure the continuity of a safe shelter environment for children and their families.


A family consists of a father, a daughter and a sibling. At the time, the daughter holds a master’s degree and lost her job due to the economic crisis. Her younger brother is still a minor; her father is a taxi driver.
In late 2019, she had her salary cut in half, a month later, the business she works for closed its doors and she was laid off. She was the only source of income for her household, handling rent, medications, and other expenses.
The family of three live in a 5 x 3 meters room, barely accommodating a fridge, 2 small mats that serve as beds and a couple of other compact items. They have minimum space to move around. All the young girl wants is rent coverage, until she can find another job.
The monthly rent fee is of 500,000 L.L.

A family of 2 siblings needed immediate assistance.
One of the siblings had a damaging accident when he was younger, impacting his cognitive skills. He should be under professional care, but as the family cannot afford to do so, he does not get the assistance he needs.
The second brother who takes care of him used to work as a delivery man about a year ago. While on duty, he had a severe car accident and ended up breaking his skull. He had to stop working and didn’t get any assistance from his employers.
They both live in a very small room located under the staircase of a building – something similar to a very small depot.
They were unable to pay rent for 5 months and were at risk of being expelled.
The monthly rent fee is 200,000 L.L. per month

Ancillary Efforts - Syrian Crisis

In response to the Syrian crisis, Ajialouna established a dedicated budget to support refugee communities throughout Lebanon through a partner and community-driven approach.

For the past 3 years, Ajialouna engaged with the following NGOs whose missions and efforts address the Syrian refugee population needs in the areas of health, women empowerment, education and food security:


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