Our philanthropic partners provide essential support to Ajialouna’s relief and development activities

“Our affiliation has been truly enriching to our LAU School of Medicine in that it has added a news nd essential community dimension to the training of our students and residents...they are learning the crucial principles of benevolence, generosity and shared social responsibility when it comes to serving the underprivileged. We are very fortunate to have you as partners and cannot thank you enough for the important work that you do and for allowing us to be part of your mission”.

“I first encountered Ajialouna when I started work at the Children’s Cancer Center of Lebanon. They established the program of clown doctors which brought many happy moments to our patients. This program was an international collaboration ottally in keeping with the spirit at Ajialouna which is to help parents and children and create a positive atmosphere in the most difficult of moments. Since then, I have collaborated with thie organization on multiple levels and have always found a helping hand for children in need. I’m proud to have been a part of these initiatives and wish Ajialouna and the wonderful leadership and volunteers responsible for these programs many years of continued success.”

Partner Testimonial 3
“Over the past decade, Ajialouna and P&G have sustained a successful partnership that strives for mutual care for the well being of girls in Lebanon. Together for the past [18] years we brought to life the Always ‘Ana Kebert’ program, reaching 28,000 students yearly, in every school in Lebanon during a sensitive time in their lives. We were able to manage the girls’ expectations, raise their self-image and diminish self-esteem issues, achieving the program’s mission of educating future generations of girls about their transition into womanhood. Another successful initiative came during a time of turmoil in 2005: The Ariel & Ajialouna “Oloob Defyana Campaign, providing needy children across the country with warm clothes during winter. With our strongly rooted partnership, we hope to continuously work together and bring positive change to the country”.
Jackline Baghdadi Jackline Baghdadi - Proctor & Gamble (P&G)
“My initial encounter with Ajialouna started in the mid-90s. Though a relatively small and young organization at that time, it was clear to me the commitment and vivid dedication of its founders and team to help those in need. Over the years, I have witnessed how this grass root initiative evolved to become what it is today; a sustainable, trustworthy, reliable and well organized system with a devoted team to aid and support the less fortunate. Ajialouna is now an exemplary organization that Lebanon is proud of. More importantly, Ajialouna is spreading the culture of giving and sharing to our youth and community. Ajialouna is a team of shakers and makers and doers. God bless Ajialouna for all the good that it is doing and best of luck for the coming 200 years with much more success to come, since “those who give are given more”